ZAZAWANG: Baikal lake, Russia, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Greenland from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Mali from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Ulan Bator, Mongolia, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Ulan Bator, Mongolia, Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Alaska, USA, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Aral sea, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Between Senegal and Mauritania, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Castilla y Leon, Spain, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Chad from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: East Jeruzalem from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Iceland from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Lybia, fields in the Sahara Desert, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Madagascar from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Massif central, France, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Mauritania from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Mongolia, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Mongolia, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Ukraine form Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Richat Structure, Mauritania, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Kenya from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Belgique, near Brussel, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Paris, France, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Paris, France, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Somalia from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Zhayyq, Atyrau, Kazakhstan, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Google earth collage
ZAZAWANG: Atyrau, Kazakestan, from Google earth
ZAZAWANG: Atyrau, kazakestan, from Google earth