Zettepix: Cool cafeteria
Zettepix: Bares que lugares
Zettepix: Rasta bon succès
Zettepix: What figure should I perform?
Zettepix: Hole in the wall
Zettepix: Will I be up to my mates?
Zettepix: Interested
Zettepix: Did you receive the message?
Zettepix: Raval
Zettepix: In what society do you wanna live? Dunno
Zettepix: Ready to go
Zettepix: I see you
Zettepix: Trying to absorb the content
Zettepix: Go there... To the right
Zettepix: Raval
Zettepix: Raval
Zettepix: Hello there
Zettepix: I am in a rush
Zettepix: So intellectual
Zettepix: More ice cream in the shade
Zettepix: Tribe
Zettepix: Candy chef
Zettepix: Exiting silhouette
Zettepix: More grafitti
Zettepix: Boqueria 6
Zettepix: Boqueria 2
Zettepix: Cooking
Zettepix: Tatoo
Zettepix: Nice meal
Zettepix: THe Herbolari is not open yet