Zervas: black kid, white dad. in crowd
Zervas: revcom
Zervas: the system is guilty
Zervas: hands up
Zervas: yelling man and woman
Zervas: santa interview
Zervas: white child protesting
Zervas: Interracial family
Zervas: child
Zervas: Officer O'Brien
Zervas: proud women
Zervas: We can't breathe
Zervas: start of parade
Zervas: black lives matter
Zervas: Man picturing injustice
Zervas: Solid handshake
Zervas: Shit got real
Zervas: jew and cops
Zervas: skateboarding
Zervas: megaphone
Zervas: black lives matter
Zervas: Hispanic organizer
Zervas: cops
Zervas: black kid on white shoulders
Zervas: jail all racist killer cops
Zervas: blm