zeroisnan: your point of view is not relevant
zeroisnan: Loss of signal
zeroisnan: The Office of Non-Compliance
zeroisnan: Passage
zeroisnan: Dr. Michael Long
zeroisnan: I'll flood the apartment so I can live in a pool
zeroisnan: broken mirror
zeroisnan: it's hot today and I've got to wait
zeroisnan: practice makes perfect/patience will help/hunger will not
zeroisnan: Low-cost parallel worlds - 2
zeroisnan: In bed
zeroisnan: IMG_0131
zeroisnan: Sunday afternoon. Turn on the light.
zeroisnan: dust friend
zeroisnan: dscn1252
zeroisnan: Night after night, same view, same dirt
zeroisnan: two pillows
zeroisnan: meeting room
zeroisnan: Southwark
zeroisnan: Lights are disturbingly asymmetric
zeroisnan: memories
zeroisnan: stars
zeroisnan: Everything is calm. Everything is all right.
zeroisnan: Horoscope for Sunday
zeroisnan: daylight saving time
zeroisnan: on air (light is any colour you like)
zeroisnan: parking lot
zeroisnan: exit strategy, do you have one?
zeroisnan: Sabrina (?) at gate 220
zeroisnan: butter and cheese