Shand and Her Dogs: Arbutus Goofus
Shand and Her Dogs: Mini Family Photo
Shand and Her Dogs: Checkin' out the view
Shand and Her Dogs: Girly Girl
Shand and Her Dogs: Growin' Up
Shand and Her Dogs: Sun Soaking
Shand and Her Dogs: Jolly Face
Shand and Her Dogs: Perfection
Shand and Her Dogs: Leave a Smile
Shand and Her Dogs: Zero in the Myst
Shand and Her Dogs: Where is Pit?
Shand and Her Dogs: Stumpy Boy
Shand and Her Dogs: Autumn Happy
Shand and Her Dogs: The Berners
Shand and Her Dogs: Brothers on a Hill
Shand and Her Dogs: From Below
Shand and Her Dogs: Down We Go