zephrene: Giant flowers
zephrene: Portrait of Howard
zephrene: Lamp & Fruit Tree
zephrene: On the Road
zephrene: Family Portrait with smooch
zephrene: Family Portrait
zephrene: Family Portrait Outtake
zephrene: Family at Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
zephrene: Kai'palano Park Totem Poles
zephrene: More Kai'palano poles
zephrene: More Kai'palano poles
zephrene: Kai'palano Park Totem Poles group
zephrene: Close-up of Kai'palano Poles
zephrene: Very tall Kai'palano poles
zephrene: Looking across the canyon
zephrene: The Canyon from the Bridge
zephrene: Peter & Hillary face extreme nature
zephrene: Extreeeme Nature Action Shot!
zephrene: Among the Treetops
zephrene: Can you see me?
zephrene: I'm in this one, too.
zephrene: Love the trees
zephrene: Peter & Hillary in the treetops
zephrene: Dad & I Survived
zephrene: Peter & Hillary survived!
zephrene: Keri on the Cliffwalk
zephrene: Looking down at the river from the Cliffwalk.
zephrene: Awkward photo
zephrene: Nature