Beth Jusino: souveneir buttons
Beth Jusino: Obama action figure
Beth Jusino: riot ready
Beth Jusino: watching
Beth Jusino: gathering
Beth Jusino: distracted?
Beth Jusino: impeach
Beth Jusino: for peace
Beth Jusino: mask
Beth Jusino: masks
Beth Jusino: pink protestor
Beth Jusino: The Speech
Beth Jusino: The Speech 2
Beth Jusino: fireworks
Beth Jusino: celebration
Beth Jusino: ovation
Beth Jusino: Biden
Beth Jusino: protectors
Beth Jusino: flag waving
Beth Jusino: Al Gore
Beth Jusino: the line
Beth Jusino: protest bike
Beth Jusino: no hope in capitalism
Beth Jusino: convention police
Beth Jusino: flags