Elizabeth Gadd: Light Walker
gseloff: Red Arrow (Northern Cardinal)
david grim: Arnold Corner Store
Luc Mercelis: Mechelen, kerstmarkt
Thomas Hawk: When You're Lonely and Tired of the City
WestEndFoto: The Number 28
Hammerchewer: Stand proud
One Arm Don: Eggs cost allot
BBperception: a touch of softness
Deborah Freeman: a surprise that spooked me, sure didn't expect him to turn into me.
pixelia2: Le bokeh final.
david grim: Any Questions?
Hammerchewer: Last dance
el zopilote: ¡Felices Fiestas desde Pittsburgh!
evaxebra: Day 6465
Hammerchewer: Splash'n thrash
Hammerchewer: White Hart
Bill Bowman: Aspen Avalanche
Lee J Markowitz: Pittsburgh Fall (2022)
Jordi Corbilla Photography: Greenwich Foot Tunnel at Sunset (Black & White)
Nicopope: Crocothémis écarlate màle - In Explore september 18, 2024
@hipydeus: Aligned
VitorJK: ELMS Estoril 2014 - N7975
david grim: The Penguinhood
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Veado, Red deer (Cervus elaphus)
ChicagoBob46: Side salad