csellers42: Gasifiers at Maker Faire
csellers42: Mentoring at Stanford - its all about field experiences!
csellers42: EWB Solar Still Building at the Shipyard
csellers42: Teaching Plasma Cutting
csellers42: Building the Lenz Turbine @ Catapult
csellers42: Reverse Engineering Small Wind Generators
csellers42: Catapult Testing of a "10 W" Commercial Turbine
csellers42: Gasifying Walnut Shells
csellers42: Wood Gas Fueled Cooking Stove
csellers42: Vietnam Honeycomb Coal
csellers42: vietnam_lumber_charcoal
csellers42: $30 Microhydro Generator in Far North Vietnam
csellers42: Instrumented Cooking @ The Shipyard on IAP Stove
csellers42: Teaching About Stoves, for UCB/Google
csellers42: Thresher AT in Vietnam
csellers42: Hacked Stove in Guatemala - What did I do Wrong?
csellers42: Family Participation in Guatemala
csellers42: Jesus tests their new stove performance himself
csellers42: New stove at Dona Antonia's house
csellers42: Building the prototype stove, Huamanzana Peru
csellers42: Cooking Demo for the Town of Huamanzana
csellers42: Typical Peru Traditional Stove
csellers42: Julio assisting with his new stove (Guatemala 2009)
csellers42: Teaching ONIL Stove Construction Techniques (Guatemala)
csellers42: New ONIL Stove First Fire
csellers42: Solola mayanfamilies.org Stove Installation
csellers42: First Darfur stove prototyping assemby effort at LBNL
csellers42: P6280238
csellers42: P6280243
csellers42: P6280244