zemekiss: Waiting to Begin
zemekiss: Moo Practices his lines
zemekiss: Moo readies the crowd
zemekiss: Reboot vs Tron is a go!
zemekiss: Enzo came armed
zemekiss: Explaining things with the Dude
zemekiss: The Dude had luxurious hair
zemekiss: Mouse looks on
zemekiss: Reboots interrupt token: A Game Cube
zemekiss: Tron's Interrupt Token: A blue thing
zemekiss: Enzo lays it down
zemekiss: Moo keeps the peace
zemekiss: The Dude watches on
zemekiss: The reboot crew make a point
zemekiss: So much violence
zemekiss: Tron Lives!
zemekiss: Bob explains things
zemekiss: Moo offciates
zemekiss: The Dude raises his glass
zemekiss: Enzo makes closing remarks
zemekiss: The Reboot team rally the crowd
zemekiss: The tron team rally the crowd
zemekiss: The blue thing goes free
zemekiss: The Reboot team wins!
zemekiss: The first vitors of the night
zemekiss: Smaller crowd tonight
zemekiss: The costume contest begins
zemekiss: Two prizes, for two amazing costumes
zemekiss: Moo begins readies two
zemekiss: Cylons vs Terminators go!