Zeherfoto: Closet entrance
Zeherfoto: Small drawers
Zeherfoto: Large drawers
Zeherfoto: Medium drawers
Zeherfoto: Models stuffed on top
Zeherfoto: Shop light and Aquazone poster
Zeherfoto: Misc Boxes
Zeherfoto: Old Manuals
Zeherfoto: Train Tracks and Tubes
Zeherfoto: Wheels
Zeherfoto: Neon drawers
Zeherfoto: Tiny Neon Pieces
Zeherfoto: Pizzeria Set
Zeherfoto: WIP Light Cycle Arena
Zeherfoto: Top down view of small drawers
Zeherfoto: "TECHNIC pieces"
Zeherfoto: Stacked plates
Zeherfoto: Big Cannons and Guns
Zeherfoto: Very little closet space for actual clothes
Zeherfoto: Remember this?
Zeherfoto: Box of baseplates
Zeherfoto: Box of BURPS and misc large pieces
Zeherfoto: Original UTS XWing stored for now
Zeherfoto: Minifig Box #1
Zeherfoto: Minifig Box #2