zeevveez: The Origin of the Pentagram and the Hexagram
zeevveez: Map of the Different arrangements of Natural Numbers
zeevveez: Even Numbers
zeevveez: 3x3
zeevveez: 4x4
zeevveez: Pentagram as Tetractys
zeevveez: Abstract Pentagram
zeevveez: Pentagram in a New Design
zeevveez: 12 From Points
zeevveez: Absrtact Star of David
zeevveez: 8+8 Octagram (Star of Lakshmi)
zeevveez: Eight
zeevveez: The Points on the Circle Relate to its Center
zeevveez: Seven
zeevveez: Geometric Progression
zeevveez: The Radius of the Square
zeevveez: Variation on Pythagorean Theorem
zeevveez: 3b- Three Ways of Looking at the Same Square
zeevveez: Geometry of Numbers
zeevveez: Tetractys as Lines
zeevveez: 1=2=3=4
zeevveez: The Beginning Depends on the Direction
zeevveez: Creation of the First Four Numbers
zeevveez: Creation of the First Three Numbers
zeevveez: Numbers on a Circle
zeevveez: Each Number is a Collection of Ones
zeevveez: 2a- The last ONE
zeevveez: Each Number is a Palindrome
zeevveez: Odd Numbers
zeevveez: Angle as the Shape of the Odd Numbers