zeelicious: whats going on here ladies?
zeelicious: IMG_0026.jpg
zeelicious: my couch!!
zeelicious: "i saaaiidddd..."
zeelicious: kitty killer
zeelicious: blech!
zeelicious: P2261447.JPG
zeelicious: my dog is a lush
zeelicious: she's just so cute.
zeelicious: puppy luv
zeelicious: party pooped
zeelicious: peek-a-boo
zeelicious: asia and diesel
zeelicious: diesel and asia
zeelicious: sniff
zeelicious: you're just so....big
zeelicious: asia and diesel
zeelicious: trying to reach his level
zeelicious: asia and diesel
zeelicious: and she's down
zeelicious: my whole head would fit in there..
zeelicious: profile shot
zeelicious: sun dog
zeelicious: asia b&w
zeelicious: small, medium and large
zeelicious: the wraparound
zeelicious: PA290723.JPG
zeelicious: PA310727.JPG