Ed Chircop: An apple a day......
Ed Chircop: An apple a day.......
Ed Chircop: Light Painting
Ed Chircop: Enter the dragon
Ed Chircop: cupcakes group top shot
Ed Chircop: Cupcake flower
Ed Chircop: cupcake camera
Ed Chircop: Cupcake frog
Ed Chircop: 2012_08_29_IMG_0950A
Ed Chircop: 2012_08_28_IMG_0945
Ed Chircop: Japenese Doll in Garden
Ed Chircop: 2012_08_26_IMG_0867a
Ed Chircop: 2012_08_18_IMG_0822a
Ed Chircop: Comics
Ed Chircop: Strawberries
Ed Chircop: Strawberries
Ed Chircop: Strawberries
Ed Chircop: Experiment with slow shutter speed using graduated filters. Taken in bright sunlight (noon) with very slow shutter speed and ND8 and ND4 filters
Ed Chircop: Experimenting with slow shutter speed using graduated filters. Taken in bright sunlight (noon) with very slow shutter speed and ND8 and ND4 filters
Ed Chircop: Chinese girl-Valletta photo walk 3 November 2012
Ed Chircop: Warhammer 40K - Warhammer 40K - Sisters of Battle
Ed Chircop: Warhammer 40K - Sisters of Battle
Ed Chircop: Baubles
Ed Chircop: Wine bottle and glass abstract
Ed Chircop: Christmas 2012
Ed Chircop: Citroen 15 CV TA 1938
Ed Chircop: Flowerpot
Ed Chircop: 3 flowers
Ed Chircop: Close up luzzu
Ed Chircop: Matches in a bottle