HIDE@Verdad: Molding of the ice in "Kotori-no-mori (Forest of Small Birds)", Fukushima city 2023/01 No.1.
Yasuko_: DSC01449
Iyhon Chiu: カッフェスタンド ノラ ∣ Caffe stand "nora"
Ta-com: IMG_0419
toshie-k: IMG_2032
Iyhon Chiu: 東京・珈琲達磨堂 ∣ Cafe Darimado • Tokyo
mila0506: 和 - なごみ -
kazua0213: buri-teriyaki-don_091123
chitoroid: DSC_4966
hwicker: Flambé - Looking Close...on Friday - Mushroom
Ta-com: IMG_0330
musicdive: Our colorful friendship. 알록달록한 우리의 우정
Hansel T.: Place de la Bourse
Morgan Calliope: Dog With Two Butts
Shinji.Nagashima: The sceneries on the street 2023 Autumn
ewitsoe: B-Sides Poznan, Autumn
mimitaro: FP100121-HDR_Lr
shio: GF011604
shio: GF011551
mimitaro: FP100095-HDR_Lr
mikeleonardvisualarts: Shinjuku, October 2023.
Bill Morgan: Afternoon sky over Mt. Fuji
里卡豆: 花貫渓谷|茨城楓葉
里卡豆: 袋田の滝|茨城楓葉