zebrabelly: what bears eat
zebrabelly: those hills look all velvety and fuzzy
zebrabelly: this was actually at a mcdonald's along the grapevine
zebrabelly: first picture of yosemite pines
zebrabelly: meadow
zebrabelly: tall trees
zebrabelly: cool tree bits
zebrabelly: cool tree bits
zebrabelly: upload
zebrabelly: Morning. #yosemite
zebrabelly: morning
zebrabelly: morning
zebrabelly: Roughing it. #yosemite
zebrabelly: Ripples. #yosemite #mercedriver
zebrabelly: hike to mirror lake
zebrabelly: hikers
zebrabelly: mirror lake and a meadow
zebrabelly: little pine
zebrabelly: green and green
zebrabelly: tacos in a bag
zebrabelly: see? it was this kind of day.
zebrabelly: it was the kind of day where I injured both feet and dropped everything I touched. usually onto my feet.
zebrabelly: playing jump rope with glow sticks
zebrabelly: Yosemite Falls. #yosemite
zebrabelly: dry river
zebrabelly: yosemite falls
zebrabelly: margie took this