zebrabelly: one smiley boy
zebrabelly: penguin encounter
zebrabelly: at the penguin encounter
zebrabelly: a snowpenguin and a real penguin who is molting
zebrabelly: and then a sea lion came out to see all the people in the people zoo
zebrabelly: above the shark encounter
zebrabelly: tunnel of sharks
zebrabelly: all the kids
zebrabelly: two kids
zebrabelly: fish and ripples
zebrabelly: bethany instagramming a fish
zebrabelly: diaper changing train
zebrabelly: elliott's hand is bigger than an orca
zebrabelly: orca butt
zebrabelly: yara took an underwater picture
zebrabelly: elliott took this one underwater
zebrabelly: sonja observes a sea star
zebrabelly: checking out the rays
zebrabelly: brothers