zebrabelly: Oops. I got another cat.
zebrabelly: frodo's gonna be pissed
zebrabelly: Playing with a string all ladylike. Or another word.
zebrabelly: pretending to be more interested in something that's not the camera
zebrabelly: scholarly cat is scholarly
zebrabelly: Box-shaped cat.
zebrabelly: Morning cuddles. <3
zebrabelly: Beans for toes!
zebrabelly: Christmas kitty.
zebrabelly: The garland. Must die.
zebrabelly: Hidey kitty.
zebrabelly: OHAI.
zebrabelly: Good morning kitty. #latergram
zebrabelly: This is what she does. Follows you around the house and flops down on her back in front of you whenever you stop. But don't think she's asking for belly rubs. Cause that would be a lie. Cats? Are weird.
zebrabelly: Best cuddles.
zebrabelly: Leia is not at all sure about these zhuzhu pets?
zebrabelly: More cute ways to sleep.
zebrabelly: Under the computer desk. New spot for her.
zebrabelly: What? You don't feed your cat off replica Titanic plates?
zebrabelly: I throw my paws up in the air some- zzzzzzz.
zebrabelly: She almost never comes for cuddles. <3
zebrabelly: Oh THAT'S ladylike.
zebrabelly: Leia's into this documentary about wolves and buffalo.
zebrabelly: They won't open the blinds for me to sunbathe in during Epic Nap Hour so I have to hide inside. *sigh*
zebrabelly: So then she found a tuft to rest upon like a damn princess.
zebrabelly: Leia came to cuddle on Margie. <3