zebrabelly: shuttle over
zebrabelly: train arrives
zebrabelly: polishing a spherical rock
zebrabelly: spanish village
zebrabelly: lego train goes by
zebrabelly: prado in the fog
zebrabelly: reindeer taking off in the fog
zebrabelly: heavy whipping (cow) cream and pink salt
zebrabelly: goat cream & pink salt
zebrabelly: we spent a lot of time discussing silly bandz
zebrabelly: shake!
zebrabelly: summer demonstrates how to pose while shaking butter
zebrabelly: brandon shakes the butter with passion
zebrabelly: draining the extra milk off the butter
zebrabelly: two miracles this year
zebrabelly: summer approves
zebrabelly: two kinds of butter
zebrabelly: buttered chai pumpkin bread
zebrabelly: thumbs up!
zebrabelly: the backs of the kids' ornaments
zebrabelly: sunrise on yule
zebrabelly: my yule plate
zebrabelly: margie's ornament
zebrabelly: elliott's ornament
zebrabelly: yuletide stamps
zebrabelly: summer making the mulled wine
zebrabelly: mulled wine, not mold wine
zebrabelly: plate o' pizzas
zebrabelly: candy! also glass balls!