zebrabelly: and then I folded the laundry
zebrabelly: except, clearly, not all of the laundry
zebrabelly: at some point i decided i needed coffee
zebrabelly: playing scrabble
zebrabelly: lunch
zebrabelly: taking my vitamin d
zebrabelly: 7 Days Alternate (Cold)
zebrabelly: 7 Days: Day 5 (Cold)
zebrabelly: margie and the neighbor girls
zebrabelly: which left my son and i home alone
zebrabelly: and then i had a snack
zebrabelly: oops the groceries haven't been unpacked, yet.
zebrabelly: elliott played with legos
zebrabelly: there are no guns here
zebrabelly: dinner
zebrabelly: 7 Days Alternate (Cold)
zebrabelly: and then bedtime :)
zebrabelly: goodnight