Zeb Andrews: Icy Rocks
Zeb Andrews: The Autumn at Viento
Zeb Andrews: Cherry Orchard
Zeb Andrews: Crater Lake
Zeb Andrews: A world apart among the hazelnuts
Zeb Andrews: A View of Crater Lake
Zeb Andrews: Fall Color - 5 Ft.
Zeb Andrews: I don't care where we're going, as long as it is not crazy
Zeb Andrews: It doesn't get more Fall than this
Zeb Andrews: The three wise men of Trillium Lake
Zeb Andrews: Go west young man
Zeb Andrews: If you freeze it, they will come
Zeb Andrews: Those sunny Rowenan days
Zeb Andrews: When the stars go blue
Zeb Andrews: Trillium Lake
Zeb Andrews: Where our days begin
Zeb Andrews: This is just a test
Zeb Andrews: Eagle Creek trail
Zeb Andrews: The Balsamroot and their long goodbyes
Zeb Andrews: Orton's way of seeing
Zeb Andrews: An army of tree
Zeb Andrews: They changed the moment I opened my eyes
Zeb Andrews: Smith Rock
Zeb Andrews: Alvord
Zeb Andrews: One of the prettiest 100 miles of driving in Oregon.
Zeb Andrews: Abert Lake
Zeb Andrews: Hoodoo voodoo
Zeb Andrews: Cabbage patch
Zeb Andrews: This could be a metaphor for a number of things, or it could just be a great memory.