Zé Lobato: The girl in diffusion
Zé Lobato: The two hats
Zé Lobato: The cyclist in white
Zé Lobato: Acid rain
Zé Lobato: Horizontal lines
Zé Lobato: The guardian of the planets
Zé Lobato: Between circles and rectangles towards the maze
Zé Lobato: Coming from the light
Zé Lobato: A duet blur
Zé Lobato: Crossing the traffic sign
Zé Lobato: E la nave va
Zé Lobato: The girl with her pants infrared
Zé Lobato: Walking in a wave of light
Zé Lobato: Walking under the tree at night
Zé Lobato: The neighbor without body
Zé Lobato: Six little Optimist in my view
Zé Lobato: Lonely and tired on any day of the week
Zé Lobato: Walking through the intersections at night
Zé Lobato: A flash in the darkness
Zé Lobato: Catching a ride
Zé Lobato: Coming home after a long day
Zé Lobato: My head is just a shadow
Zé Lobato: HelOOoooOooo
Zé Lobato: He understands traffic language
Zé Lobato: She don't stopped
Zé Lobato: Surrounded by circles
Zé Lobato: Looking down I see a fashion woman
Zé Lobato: The sidewalk is a mirror
Zé Lobato: The man without the head with his umbrella shadow