zboog: coconut grove shoreline
zboog: forest at the Wli waterfall
zboog: Nelson at the kiln, firing beads
zboog: Nelson Adovor
zboog: Cedi beads (Newark-museum-piece)
zboog: The beadmaker's tools
zboog: The Nursery
zboog: traveling roots
zboog: silk cotton tree trunk
zboog: botanical gardens guide
zboog: woman with buckets on head
zboog: crow with t-shirt
zboog: fishermen
zboog: gecko (detail)
zboog: Wli goat
zboog: signs at the Elmina castle
zboog: statue on a crocodile pond
zboog: statues on a crocodile pond
zboog: kente loom
zboog: Abigail, being rained on
zboog: crocodile
zboog: crocodile feeding
zboog: statue on a crocodile pond
zboog: drawings between me and Abigail
zboog: Abigail's drawing of me
zboog: construction
zboog: bull
zboog: me in kente
zboog: mom, being adorned