zawtowers: Justin the nick of time..
zawtowers: Justin case you haven't worked out the meet's theme
zawtowers: The lomo suddenly looks flash
zawtowers: Life through a lens
zawtowers: Sue's coming in handy
zawtowers: Breakbeat time
zawtowers: Is this what a few beers to do you?
zawtowers: Sue's thinking about her next anecdote
zawtowers: Never knew The Bangles liked Flickr
zawtowers: Bohemian Font rhapsody in art
zawtowers: Comparing iPhone notes, are we?
zawtowers: Mr Tickle - the Wachoo Wachoo Tribe Congressman
zawtowers: Ooh, aren't they lovely?
zawtowers: Hamming it up, Sue?
zawtowers: Claire Wroe all giggly
zawtowers: Mike Franklin - the honorary Boston Mancunian!