zassle: Zócalo on Christmas Eve
zassle: Altar of Forgiveness
zassle: Giant Baby
zassle: Eastern Zócalo and National Palace
zassle: Metropolitan Cathedral
zassle: Sunrise over Nevado de Toluca
zassle: Sunrise over Nevado de Toluca
zassle: Nevado de Toluca
zassle: Nevado de Toluca
zassle: Nevado de Toluca
zassle: View downwards from near the rim
zassle: Crater
zassle: DSCF4557
zassle: Toluca
zassle: Crater Lake
zassle: Stopping for a rest
zassle: Shadows on the rim
zassle: View down to the lake
zassle: Down below
zassle: View across the crater
zassle: Taco de chapulines
zassle: Coyoacán
zassle: Cobbled alleys
zassle: Colourful houses
zassle: Chapel in Coyoacán
zassle: Chapel in Coyoacán
zassle: DSCF4597
zassle: Casa del Sol
zassle: Casa del Sol
zassle: Fonoteca