Zaskoda: On The Bus
Zaskoda: We have arrived.
Zaskoda: Steph
Zaskoda: Flowers on Walkway
Zaskoda: Kitteh Look'n Back
Zaskoda: Ahhh, beach..
Zaskoda: Ahhh, ocean..
Zaskoda: Ahhh Sunset
Zaskoda: Steph & Sunset
Zaskoda: Smiles
Zaskoda: Steph & I on the beach...
Zaskoda: Crazy Clouds
Zaskoda: Balls to the Wall
Zaskoda: Something was missing here...
Zaskoda: Our Stairs
Zaskoda: The village from our room...
Zaskoda: The path to our room...
Zaskoda: Pidgins on the square...
Zaskoda: From SFT
Zaskoda: Noms
Zaskoda: Noming the noms...
Zaskoda: Fuds
Zaskoda: I bet he wants to come home with us!
Zaskoda: Ah, that's the spot!
Zaskoda: He DID want to come home with us.. Poor doggie..
Zaskoda: Stopping for the flowers...
Zaskoda: Oh Hai!
Zaskoda: Heyyy Bebe
Zaskoda: Iguana
Zaskoda: Potted Kitteh