*F~: To the children of yesterday, today and tomorrow
*F~: listening
*F~: Dancing class
*F~: Rehearsing
*F~: lira
*F~: O Caracteriza-dor
*F~: White magic
*F~: Sempleierov's fear
*F~: Black magic
*F~: Diálogos II
*F~: Woland e o Mestre
*F~: Working class
*F~: Ivan e o Mestre
*F~: Annushka
*F~: The trial
*F~: O Bando dos quatro.
*F~: Ler Devagar
*F~: Azzazel
*F~: Behemot. the black cat
*F~: Tomás, Luciano e Kátia
*F~: Behemot the black cat
*F~: The forbiden kiss
*F~: Dancing in the dark
*F~: The ball
*F~: the sacrifice of baron meigel
*F~: Black and gold
*F~: Alegria I
*F~: Alegria II
*F~: hemoglobina
*F~: in my end is my beginning