ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Hello, Goodbye... 1/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Maybe one day... 2/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
The only word for her in general: Unruly 3/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
She Ain't Heavy, She's My Sister 4/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Do you mind I was having a snack..... 5/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Reach for the skies, this is a stick up! 6/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
This is the worst Spa I've ever been to..You are going to get a SCATHING review on TripAdvsior...7/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Chupacabra 8/52....
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Bench warmer.....9/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Just like a song in my heart...oh I do love you 10/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Shady Ladies - Partners in crime - 11/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
12/52 Schnoozle (+1)
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
It's too darn hot...13/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
It's been a hard day's night: I've been working like a dog...I should be sleeping like a log...15/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
16/52 Savage Smiles
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Beach Stalking 17/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
I am the Dread Pirate Roberts...18/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Ladies and Gentleman without further ado, my twin...20/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Remembering those we've lost...21/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Where were you yesterday??? 22/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Something wicked this way comes...23/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Little Red.... 24/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
After a weeks absense we bring you it's too F-ing Hot outside! 27/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Life in the fast lane... surely make you lose your mind...28/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
God Mom you are embarassing me! It's date night and you said you'd leave us alone....29/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
Why can't you smile for the camera!!! 30/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography):
In your eyes...I am complete 31/52