ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): Sad can not even compare to what I feel...
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): why you make me pose with flowers?..i a man...
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): Sadness flowerfied...
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): When the clouds roll in
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): whose a pretty little baby
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): Stalking little stalker
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): Self Imposed Hooskow Prisoner...
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): I double dog dare ya...
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): I heard something... 24/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): ...lets not look at the camera....
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): The Boogeyman is coming!
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): But I don't like holding still...
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): Zappa says "See even the flowers worship me"...
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): Show Me Your Mean Face...
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): The Rarely seen but ever so cute..
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): For those who couldn't believe..
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): Mommys who pose get frisbees to the back of the head...23/52
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): Bambi is a pansy me Thor
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): I'm pretty sure this fawn called me a voyeur!
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): It's a beautiful day...