Luca Zappacosta:
Let's help trees grow everywhere!
Luca Zappacosta:
The wooded tower - La torre alberata
Luca Zappacosta:
Panorama verso la torre alberata
Luca Zappacosta:
Taking a nap?
Luca Zappacosta:
It's Camelia time!
Luca Zappacosta:
Mommy... look... a horse!!
Luca Zappacosta:
An oval square...
Luca Zappacosta:
Just a Camellia
Luca Zappacosta:
La Farnia delle Streghe - The oak of the witches
Luca Zappacosta:
Inside upward
Luca Zappacosta:
Challenging the greyness around you