Zane Selvans: Full Parking Lot at Zuma Beach
Zane Selvans: Surveying the Sands
Zane Selvans: Climbers on Point Dume
Zane Selvans: Stairs over Point Dume
Zane Selvans: Zuma Beach from Point Dume
Zane Selvans: Surfers off Point Dume
Zane Selvans: Point Dume Beach
Zane Selvans: More Surfers
Zane Selvans: Catching a wave at Point Dume
Zane Selvans: Hiking to the Point Dume Beach
Zane Selvans: Surfers off Point Dume
Zane Selvans: Surfers off Point Dume
Zane Selvans: Surfers off Point Dume
Zane Selvans: Michelle and Emily Arriving on the Beach
Zane Selvans: Michelle walking down Point Dume Beach
Zane Selvans: Yet Another Helicopter buzzing the beach
Zane Selvans: Zane snacking on soupy-asian-garden salad
Zane Selvans: Emily snacking on strawberries
Zane Selvans: yesterday's sand castle in our view from the blankets
Zane Selvans: Emily and Michelle get wet
Zane Selvans: Tentative Michelle in the Ocean
Zane Selvans: Calm in the Waves
Zane Selvans: Big Waves at Point Dume
Zane Selvans: Run away!
Zane Selvans: Michelle slowly turning pink
Zane Selvans: Emily and Michelle snacking on strawberries
Zane Selvans: Relaxing in the Sun
Zane Selvans: Faces of Michelle at the Beach - 1
Zane Selvans: Faces of Michelle at the Beach - 3
Zane Selvans: Summer Beach Traffic Jam on US 101