Zane's Photography:
Barking up the wrong tree
Zane's Photography:
The Pit
Zane's Photography:
Bark Worst than its Bite!
Zane's Photography:
Scarred Tree
Zane's Photography:
The Screaming Bark in the Park
Zane's Photography:
2010-02-21 Ilford FP-4+ i4
Zane's Photography:
2010-02-21 Ilford FP-4+ i6
Zane's Photography:
I'm Lichen this Bark!
Zane's Photography:
2010-05-02 TMAX 400 i8
Zane's Photography:
The Old Cherry Tree
Zane's Photography:
Bark #11
Zane's Photography:
Bark #12
Zane's Photography:
Bark #13
Zane's Photography:
Bark #14
Zane's Photography:
Bark #15
Zane's Photography:
Bark #16
Zane's Photography:
Bark #17
Zane's Photography:
Bark #18
Zane's Photography:
Bark #19
Zane's Photography:
2012-04-15 i6
Zane's Photography:
Bark #21
Zane's Photography:
Bark #22
Zane's Photography:
Bark #23
Zane's Photography:
Tree #1
Zane's Photography:
Tree #2
Zane's Photography:
Bark #26
Zane's Photography:
Hillsboro Tree
Zane's Photography:
Zane's Photography:
Bark #29
Zane's Photography:
Bark #30