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neighbor's house posterized
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Cahow's Barber chair: Merrick County Museum/ made famous by the stories in the book "Home Place" by Wright Morris
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Grandma's stamp box
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focal point within a lady's compact
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in the dressing closet
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chair adornment
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Brigadeer Frame Wall
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etched class bowl on the fireplace
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oil lantern
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Central City early photo
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Cahow's Barber Shop, Clarks, NE
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door hinges with distinction
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just inside the parlour door this camera and check-yourself-mirror
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pantry cupboard
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looking at the closer places
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Anna Berg's home
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IMG_5342 copy
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IMG_5304 copy
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Wright Morris Boyhood Home/ front parlor door
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harmony walkers
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Lincoln Cafe; where Food Is Important
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noon-ish in nebraska
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checkers for the barefoot
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one way to heal is to try
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fortune alone is play
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small size porcelain pitcher
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crystal pitcher