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calculus prof Robillo at Deep Springs graduation
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Myer's first day home at our apartment on Wyoming Street in Kansas City
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This blue bunting was used in Aurora to introduce Myer to many friends and family
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ooo. family photo on bed in jammies
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Lois Katt holding Myer on his first Christmas
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a better picture of lois and myer after the recital
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nnnn. grandma marie ten days before she died
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myer & great grandma florella myers
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pete & marie with myer 82
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Myer with Great Grandma Marie Ediger (fog filter)
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mmmm. janaree jan myer nathan
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Myer and Grandpa Russell on the front porch of 4144 Charlotte Kansas City, Missouri
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Myer and Great Grandpa LW Myers on the front porch of 4144 Charlotte Kansas City, Missouri
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great granpa pete ediger & myer
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Taken in Albion, Mark, Janaree and Myer with Einstein hair
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myer with grandma luci nore
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Myer with Grandpa Cliff Ediger
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myer with Grandma BJ
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Myer, oh my, wearing a Kansas City royals' hat
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Mother's Day or Easter, Myer in the high Chair
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Storybook Christmas picture for the Christmas Cards
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arhia likes silly poses
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Myer peeking around the special dish rack
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Mom and Myer with the Fischer Price farm
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Myer dressed for Easter
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Myer's first haircut
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Christmas with Arhia the first year we met her
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This looks real dad-like but was never a reality between father and son
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my top hat tipped to you
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mother & son in KC