zaktari: at Home with the Ghosts of Burghley
zaktari: Ghosts at Home House of Burghley
zaktari: the Ghost of the House of Burghley
zaktari: Slices of Burghley
zaktari: the First Lord Burghley Through the Wall on the Ghost Walk
zaktari: First Lord Burghley Captured Ghost Projected Image
zaktari: Tree Planting at Burghley
zaktari: Tree Planting at Burghley detail
zaktari: Ghost of Jack the Lad
zaktari: Jack the Lad Burghley
zaktari: Car and Tree Park Burghley House Stamford
zaktari: Deer Park Burghley House Stamford
zaktari: the Avenue
zaktari: the Grove
zaktari: Visitors Weigh In
zaktari: Circle of Horns
zaktari: the Burghley Skylines
zaktari: Seat in the Courtyard
zaktari: the Standard
zaktari: Ghosts of Burghley
zaktari: With the Echoes on the Wall
zaktari: Not for Grown Ups
zaktari: The Cast of Burghley House
zaktari: Big House Big Kitchen
zaktari: Good Kitchen
zaktari: The Ovens and the Roasting Spit
zaktari: Roasting Place for Man and Beast Dead and Alive
zaktari: Spit and Basting Tray
zaktari: Hog's Hall
zaktari: Heaven and Hell Painting on the Ceiling