rebelwithcauses: Aunt Beru: "Make sure you don't get conned by those darned Jawas this time, Owen!"
rebelwithcauses: Do I get discounts this time around?
rebelwithcauses: Aunt Beru's womp-rat pet!!!
rebelwithcauses: How much for that feisty red one?
rebelwithcauses: How about a WED Treadwell droid?
rebelwithcauses: This one's a best-seller!
rebelwithcauses: Do you speak Bocce?!
rebelwithcauses: Uncle about this R2 unit?
rebelwithcauses: Move along now....
rebelwithcauses: The IRS team...."Imperial Revenue Services"
rebelwithcauses: DSC_0013
rebelwithcauses: Sandtroopers having the WRONG concept of 'barbecue'