Austin & Zak:
portrait of Newt
Austin & Zak:
Newt's side-show
Austin & Zak:
flash reflection of Newt
Austin & Zak:
pretty in profile
Austin & Zak:
underbelly and arm
Austin & Zak:
Newt's lovely tail
Austin & Zak:
swimming against the glass
Austin & Zak:
Princess Newt emerges from the murky deep
Austin & Zak:
Newt and one of her snails
Austin & Zak:
detailed look at Newt's little face
Austin & Zak:
full back shot of Newt the newt
Austin & Zak:
flash photo of Newt's fiery belly - does that make her a Chinese or a Japanese fire-bellied newt?
Austin & Zak:
profile shot of Newt
Austin & Zak:
Newt, reflected