Emil Sykkö: Good girl
Emil Sykkö: Good boy
Emil Sykkö: feel me
Emil Sykkö: I got u covered bitch
Emil Sykkö: I see u mate
Emil Sykkö: ...shake it baby, shaaaaaake it!! 4/4
Emil Sykkö: ...shake it baby, shaaaaaake it!! 3/4
Emil Sykkö: ...shake it baby, shaaaaaake it!! 2/4
Emil Sykkö: ...shake it baby, shaaaaaake it!! 1/4
Emil Sykkö: ...come on let's do the twist again as we did last summer... 4/4
Emil Sykkö: ...come on let's do the twist again as we did last summer... 3/4
Emil Sykkö: ...come on let's do the twist again as we did last summer... 2/4
Emil Sykkö: ...come on let's do the twist again as we did last summer... 1/4
Emil Sykkö: After an good walk around Surtesjön it's nice with a good nap #eija2yearstoday
Emil Sykkö: ...it doesn't matter if you black or white...
Emil Sykkö: I spy with my little eye..
Emil Sykkö: finally got back home
Emil Sykkö: the best medicine ever
Emil Sykkö: Is there any need to say that the bed belongs to the dog that isn't laying in it?
Emil Sykkö: Is there any need to say that the bed belongs to the dog that isn't laying in it?
Emil Sykkö: Is there any need to say that the bed belongs to the dog that isn't laying in it?
Emil Sykkö: it's a treat tree!
Emil Sykkö: how do you call skinny dude?!
Emil Sykkö: just walk if of, six steps later...
Emil Sykkö: neighbourhood watch
Emil Sykkö: my happy boy
Emil Sykkö: look what I found mom!
Emil Sykkö: what about me?
Emil Sykkö: Eija is concentrated
Emil Sykkö: what's going down mate?