Team Frosick: Yep another panoramic shot taken from inside the Ronda bull ring-supposedly one of Spain's oldest.
Team Frosick: Great pano shot of the bridge and the far side of the gorge in Ronda
Team Frosick: I finally remembered how to use the panoramic photo app on my iPhone. Made for a great shot from one side of the gorge that splits Ronda.
Team Frosick: Mel and Eliza cross the bull ring in Ronda
Team Frosick: Fascinating church. Much larger than it appears from this exterior shot. The bell tower used to be the minaret for the mosque that stood here before the church. Inside, the church is split into two distinct architectural styles - half Gothic and half Rena
Team Frosick: This offers a little bit of an idea of how deep the gorge is beneath the bridge
Team Frosick: Ronda's a cool city. The gorge that separates it in two is massive.
Team Frosick: Ronda's bullring
Team Frosick: Great terrace overlooking the gorge
Team Frosick: "no pictures! I'm eating!"
Team Frosick: Slurping up the spaghetti
Team Frosick: No oranges were harmed in the making of this photo
Team Frosick: Getting ready for the lift
Team Frosick: Santa Maria la Mayor
Team Frosick: Eliza is excited by her flamenco dancer postcard
Team Frosick: Eliza demonstrates how a merry-go-round works
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