Team Frosick: Eliza the matador!
Team Frosick: Panoramic shot from the Sevilla cathedral's bell tower
Team Frosick: Panoramic shot of Plaza de Espana from the second level of the building.
Team Frosick: Yep another panoramic shot taken from inside the Ronda bull ring-supposedly one of Spain's oldest.
Team Frosick: Great pano shot of the bridge and the far side of the gorge in Ronda
Team Frosick: Taken from atop the bell tower (and former minaret from the former Sevilla mosque...) adjacent to the massive Sevilla cathedral
Team Frosick: Panoramic shot from the plaza level in Plaza de Espana, Sevilla.
Team Frosick: I finally remembered how to use the panoramic photo app on my iPhone. Made for a great shot from one side of the gorge that splits Ronda.
Team Frosick: Santa Justa Train Station
Team Frosick: Eliza admires Ella, her new Spanish doll
Team Frosick: IMG_6362
Team Frosick: Eliza takes a closer look at the murals that honor many of Spain's cities around the plaza.
Team Frosick: Mel prepares Eliza for her next photo shoot...?
Team Frosick: I love this one. Eliza actually just wandered into the shot by accident.
Team Frosick: I liked the juxtaposition of the bridge and the main building on this one.
Team Frosick: Mel breaks out the real camera in Plaza de Espana (Sevilla)
Team Frosick: IMG_0029
Team Frosick: IMG_0027
Team Frosick: IMG_0026
Team Frosick: IMG_0020
Team Frosick: IMG_0012
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Team Frosick: IMG_9996
Team Frosick: IMG_9995
Team Frosick: IMG_9993
Team Frosick: IMG_9989
Team Frosick: IMG_9988
Team Frosick: IMG_9987
Team Frosick: IMG_9985
Team Frosick: IMG_9978