Team Frosick: Eliza the matador!
Team Frosick: Panoramic shot from the Sevilla cathedral's bell tower
Team Frosick: Panoramic shot of Plaza de Espana from the second level of the building.
Team Frosick: Yep another panoramic shot taken from inside the Ronda bull ring-supposedly one of Spain's oldest.
Team Frosick: Great pano shot of the bridge and the far side of the gorge in Ronda
Team Frosick: Taken from atop the bell tower (and former minaret from the former Sevilla mosque...) adjacent to the massive Sevilla cathedral
Team Frosick: Panoramic shot from the plaza level in Plaza de Espana, Sevilla.
Team Frosick: I finally remembered how to use the panoramic photo app on my iPhone. Made for a great shot from one side of the gorge that splits Ronda.
Team Frosick: Santa Justa Train Station
Team Frosick: Eliza admires Ella, her new Spanish doll
Team Frosick: IMG_6362
Team Frosick: Eliza takes a closer look at the murals that honor many of Spain's cities around the plaza.
Team Frosick: Mel prepares Eliza for her next photo shoot...?
Team Frosick: I love this one. Eliza actually just wandered into the shot by accident.
Team Frosick: I liked the juxtaposition of the bridge and the main building on this one.
Team Frosick: Mel breaks out the real camera in Plaza de Espana (Sevilla)
Team Frosick: Mel and Eliza cross the bull ring in Ronda
Team Frosick: Fascinating church. Much larger than it appears from this exterior shot. The bell tower used to be the minaret for the mosque that stood here before the church. Inside, the church is split into two distinct architectural styles - half Gothic and half Rena
Team Frosick: This offers a little bit of an idea of how deep the gorge is beneath the bridge
Team Frosick: Ronda's a cool city. The gorge that separates it in two is massive.
Team Frosick: A great look back at Al Hambra from within Granada
Team Frosick: Walking along a narrow street in Granada.
Team Frosick: A small river that runs through Granada
Team Frosick: A tunnel of trees near the exit from Al Hambra
Team Frosick: Once the sky started to clear during our Al Hambra tour, we could start to see the mountains off in the distance.
Team Frosick: Cool shot that shows the view from some of the palace balconies in Al Hambra
Team Frosick: I liked the shadows. You can see some sunlight starting to break through in the background. It didn't last long....
Team Frosick: Another glimpse of Granada
Team Frosick: Walking away from the bluff overlooking Granada, but still inside the confines of Al Hambra
Team Frosick: The weather was tough, but the tour was definitely worthwhile. You can see the clouds pretending to break in this one....