Team Frosick: IMG_9677
Team Frosick: A great look back at Al Hambra from within Granada
Team Frosick: Walking along a narrow street in Granada.
Team Frosick: A small river that runs through Granada
Team Frosick: A tunnel of trees near the exit from Al Hambra
Team Frosick: Once the sky started to clear during our Al Hambra tour, we could start to see the mountains off in the distance.
Team Frosick: Cool shot that shows the view from some of the palace balconies in Al Hambra
Team Frosick: I liked the shadows. You can see some sunlight starting to break through in the background. It didn't last long....
Team Frosick: IMG_9675
Team Frosick: IMG_9671
Team Frosick: IMG_9670
Team Frosick: IMG_9666
Team Frosick: Another glimpse of Granada
Team Frosick: Walking away from the bluff overlooking Granada, but still inside the confines of Al Hambra
Team Frosick: The weather was tough, but the tour was definitely worthwhile. You can see the clouds pretending to break in this one....
Team Frosick: A view from the other side of the reflecting pool inside Al Hambra
Team Frosick: IMG_6151
Team Frosick: IMG_6144
Team Frosick: Great view from within Al Hambra (Granada)
Team Frosick: IMG_9654
Team Frosick: IMG_9651
Team Frosick: IMG_9647
Team Frosick: The race is on!
Team Frosick: IMG_9643
Team Frosick: Eliza explains the history of Al Hambra
Team Frosick: IMG_9638
Team Frosick: IMG_9637
Team Frosick: IMG_9636
Team Frosick: Near the end of our visit...
Team Frosick: IMG_9633