Team Frosick: Shenandoah Valley - Mom's Day 08 - 03
Team Frosick: Fog-shrouded road
Team Frosick: The fog rolls in thick
Team Frosick: Shenandoah Valley - Mom's Day 08 - 06
Team Frosick: Shenandoah Valley - Mom's Day 08 - 09
Team Frosick: The three moms
Team Frosick: Shenandoah Valley - Mom's Day 08 - 11
Team Frosick: Shenandoah Valley - Mom's Day 08 - 12
Team Frosick: Striking an adventurous pose
Team Frosick: Shenandoah Valley - Mom's Day 08 - 14
Team Frosick: Shenandoah Valley - Mom's Day 08 - 15
Team Frosick: How can Eliza sleep through this?
Team Frosick: Shenandoah Valley - Mom's Day 08 - 20
Team Frosick: Shenandoah Valley - Mom's Day 08 - 22
Team Frosick: Shenandoah Valley - Mom's Day 08 - 23
Team Frosick: Walking thru the woods
Team Frosick: Small people, big trees
Team Frosick: Now YOU take a sip!
Team Frosick: Now *I* take a sip!
Team Frosick: Hiking in style
Team Frosick: Shenandoah Valley - Mom's Day 08 - 38
Team Frosick: Sunny skies, beautiful day!
Team Frosick: Clouds in the morning
Team Frosick: Taking in the view from our deck
Team Frosick: Wolfe meets Buddha
Team Frosick: Eliza meets Buddha
Team Frosick: Cabin and clouds
Team Frosick: The moms soak it in
Team Frosick: Posing outside the weekend pad