Team Frosick: HDR shot off my phone
Team Frosick: Navy Memorial from the Metro exit
Team Frosick: Another interesting look up
Team Frosick: That's a pretty cool stairway
Team Frosick: Smithsonian Castle
Team Frosick: Tulips
Team Frosick: That's our train! Archives Metro
Team Frosick: Cool stairway in Museum of African Art: the video
Team Frosick: Following Mel and Eliza to Teaism
Team Frosick: Following the characters
Team Frosick: Passing by a flowerbed on the way to the Metro
Team Frosick: Surfacing at Huntington Metro
Team Frosick: Descending into Archives Metro Station
Team Frosick: I love photos along the pools at the Navy Memorial
Team Frosick: Carp in Teaism
Team Frosick: Archives: background; Navy Memorial: foreground
Team Frosick: Taller than Mommy?
Team Frosick: National Archive.
Team Frosick: Mel lends a hand
Team Frosick: Capitol Shot
Team Frosick: Check out the bird in the foreground...
Team Frosick: Looking out from the Museum of African Art
Team Frosick: Another Smithsonian Castle shot
Team Frosick: Walking to the next museum
Team Frosick: Eliza runs around the fountain
Team Frosick: Looking up from the bottom floor
Team Frosick: Cool mask in the Museum of African Art
Team Frosick: Visiting the Museum of African Art
Team Frosick: I'm not sure how we kept Eliza from running through this...
Team Frosick: Getting ready to make a wish