Zack the Human: Another backyard flower
Zack the Human: Wowzers!
Zack the Human: Same ol' road...
Zack the Human: Up the tree
Zack the Human: Tree at the Sanzen temple, Ohara, Japan
Zack the Human: Flower + Bee
Zack the Human: Tomato plant
Zack the Human: Green hill
Zack the Human: Vegetable
Zack the Human: 牛蒡 (Burdock Root)
Zack the Human: Flowers + again
Zack the Human: Tree and roots
Zack the Human: Leaf again
Zack the Human: Backyard Flowers 015
Zack the Human: Tree Limb + Sky
Zack the Human: Backyard Ben
Zack the Human: Backyard Flowers 018
Zack the Human: Smurf Homes