z5: Moose hunting rifle
z5: Moose hunting rifle
z5: More new toys
z5: More new toys
z5: More new toys
z5: Another wonderful thing in the bag of new toys
z5: New toy
z5: The lost balloon
z5: 14150019
z5: Jackson... deep in thought
z5: Fair Crowd
z5: Massey... meet Harris.
z5: Not quite the same view leaving the poultry barn at the Iowa State Fair
z5: Also peeved
z5: Grooming
z5: Peeved
z5: Peas:pod
z5: Shrooms
z5: One big squash
z5: World Record Cabbage - 127 lbs
z5: First Place
z5: Fair to balmy weather
z5: Tlingit Dancers
z5: White Currants
z5: Flowers at the fair
z5: Iditarod Barn
z5: Harvester