zgware: Photo
zgware: Photo
zgware: Photo
zgware: Photo
zgware: Photo
zgware: Photo
zgware: Photo
zgware: Photo
zgware: It's a LARE.
zgware: Awkward karaoke by @makenai
zgware: MBAir fan is blazing. Three streams plus Twitter. ABC is killin it.
zgware: Right, this is the Bay Area weather I remember. I'm just gonna put my sunglasses away now.
zgware: Serving as a craft.
zgware: Churchill Downs
zgware: I've got some thinking to do.
zgware: Putting my thinking cap on. @jimmyjacobson is this better?
zgware: Come July this will be my view.
zgware: Wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man.
zgware: From the rooftop. I love downtown vegas...my new hood. Prediction: In five years the music scene will surpass LA.
zgware: Watching @krianbalma watch Steel Panthers is like watching a kid get an XBox for Christmas.
zgware: You see, this box has been to five houses and never unpacked. It's not moving to a sixth. #thegreatpurge
zgware: Watching Mayor Goodman's last city council meeting. He's been a game changer for this city.
zgware: The Zappos Family pseudo-flash mobs a city council meeting to say goodbye to Mayor Goodman.
zgware: Zappos Hackathon show and tell. Every single one is amazing.
zgware: You pack everything, movers are done, then you discover the one cabinet you forgot to pack. #ihavetoomuchtea
zgware: On a conference call/webex, tethered by iPhone, while moving, on top of a dishwasher. #likeaBOSS
zgware: Spontaneous fireworks in Las Vegas.
zgware: The spoon to fork ratio is out of balance.
zgware: In case there were a question...the toaster works. // cc @iancmyers
zgware: Las Vegas sunrise.