Stuck on a Rock: Nothing but lip
Stuck on a Rock: Offshore
Stuck on a Rock: little ray of sunshine
Stuck on a Rock: key hole
Stuck on a Rock: Down the line
Stuck on a Rock: Untouched
Stuck on a Rock: Not telling
Stuck on a Rock: Barney duffy's back yard
Stuck on a Rock: Wedgenald
Stuck on a Rock: Anson slider
Stuck on a Rock: Mini Wedge
Stuck on a Rock: Rightie tightie
Stuck on a Rock: Back door Reef
Stuck on a Rock: A little slice of Wunna's magic!
Stuck on a Rock: heavy little one
Stuck on a Rock: lone pine pit
Stuck on a Rock: the inside
Stuck on a Rock: Just about to unload
Stuck on a Rock: pitching
Stuck on a Rock: Liquid Gold
Stuck on a Rock: tunnel time
Stuck on a Rock: Light at the end of the tunnel
Stuck on a Rock: Anson Shorey