thesystemis: why I love new york (canal street)
thesystemis: I am sleeping with a 17 year old boy
thesystemis: 4 philosophers
thesystemis: why I love new york pt 2
thesystemis: last dinner before leaving brooklyn
thesystemis: cupcakes made by the birthday girl
thesystemis: natalie's bday party
thesystemis: bruce sprintsteen, "born to run"
thesystemis: save ginny!
thesystemis: IMG_2597
thesystemis: IMG_2592
thesystemis: IMG_2565
thesystemis: IMG_2560
thesystemis: IMG_2553
thesystemis: IMG_0026
thesystemis: IMG_0025
thesystemis: IMG_0003
thesystemis: IMG_2508
thesystemis: IMG_2506
thesystemis: IMG_2497
thesystemis: IMG_0041
thesystemis: IMG_0027
thesystemis: IMG_0018
thesystemis: IMG_2460
thesystemis: IMG_2454
thesystemis: IMG_2466