z.duffy: BOAT @ Fenway
z.duffy: BOAT @ Fenway
z.duffy: J. Long buys jean capris in Boston
z.duffy: Writing the set list in Boston
z.duffy: D. Crane @ The Cake Shop
z.duffy: D. Crane w/tour glasses
z.duffy: M. McKenzie + J. Long on the T
z.duffy: M. McKenzie
z.duffy: J. Long @ the Flop House
z.duffy: D. Crane + M. McKenzie @ the Flop House
z.duffy: Hammond Organ
z.duffy: Kids Drum Set
z.duffy: M. McKenzie @ the Flop House
z.duffy: J. Long rocks @ The Cake Shop
z.duffy: M. McKenzie @ The Cake Shop
z.duffy: M. McKenzie @ The Cake Shop
z.duffy: Crowd @ The Cake Shop
z.duffy: Creeping Weeds + BOAT @ The Cake Shop
z.duffy: Pre-Show Pizza in NYC
z.duffy: M. McKenzie at H&M in Boston
z.duffy: BOAT in Boston
z.duffy: BOAT in Boston
z.duffy: Pete from Creeping Weeds
z.duffy: M. McKenzie w/Norm @ Cheers
z.duffy: J. Long @ Fenway
z.duffy: J. Long @ Fenway
z.duffy: D. Crane making signs
z.duffy: J. Long @ Union Hall
z.duffy: M. McKenzie @ Union hall
z.duffy: J. Long @ Fenway